The Revolution in Human Affairs
October 2000

MAJ Donald E. Vandergriff, USA

Executive Summary

The Revolution in Human Affairs



Here's Where We Are

Why? There Are Two Problems to Deal with Today

What can be Learned from Other, But Isn't

Trends that are Ignored Despite Extensive Proof

And, Several Factors are Against Military-A

This Explains It All!

The End State! What the Candidates Should Focus On -- But Do Not -- Creating Trust!

Where We Need to Go

Maneuver Warfare Must Focus The Personnel System

In Sum:  Where We Need To Go

Part I:

The Revolution in Human Affairs Changing the Culture for the 21st Century


What Should the Personnel System Do?

Why Look at the Personnel System?

Defining the Problems

What did the War in Kosovo Tell Us?

How Do We Change?

Organizing for Military Excellence Snapshot of Recommendations


Fundamental Conflict is Between the "Parts" and the "Whole"

The Current Personnel System Creates ... A Conflict ... That Few Can Escape

The Larger the U. S. Culture Assists in Stimulating the Conflict

The Fundamental Challenge:  How Do We Synthesize the “Parts” into a Coherent “Whole?”

The Army Way?

… or ... The Army Ideal


Influences Shaping the U. S. Officer Corps



From the Progressive Era to Systems Analysis

The French Influence

The Lasting Influence of George Marshall

1946-1950  The Army Mutates into a Business

1950-1953  Korea:  A Red Flag Ignored

1955-1960  Classical Values Decay Further during the Pentomic Era

1961-1972  Decline in Classical Values Comes to a Head in Vietnam Era

1970-1976  Officer Personnel Management System Reform Falls Short

1980-Present  The Defense Personnel Act of 1980 (DOPMA)  Modification of OPA-47

1973-1990  The Post Vietnam Reforms

1862-1990  Unit Cohesion or Unit Rotation

1862-1990  What the Army Does Not Understand About Unit Cohesion

1979-1990 The Rise and Demise of COHORT

1989-1991  The Prefect Pentagon Wars

(1989)1991- Present:  The Drawdown Pulls Off the Band Aid

1996-Present:  OPMS XXI Falls Short

1947-Present:  The "Up-and=Out" Promotion System

Present:  The "Water Walker's" Career

The Army Continues to Advocate Technology

The Army Continues to Advocate Technology


Part 2

Other Personnel Systems

An Overview of Other Personnel Systems



Officer Corps of Successful Armies

The Roman Army:  216 BC-52 BC

The Army of Napoleon:  1798-1806 

The Finish Army: 1939-1940

The German Officer Corps: 1809-1942

The Israeli Army:  1948-1973?

Officer Corps of Unsuccessful Armies

The Prussian Army of 1806

The French Army of 1870-1914 & 1919-1940

The Italian Army 1914-1942

The British Army 1856,1898,1939-1942

Typical Attributes in Successful Armies


Part 3

Proposals for An Effective 21st Century Army

To Resolve the Fundamental Conflict Between "efficiency" and "effectiveness"

The End State!

The Problem


The Evolution of Warfare

End of the Cold War I

End of the Cold War II

A Personnel System Tuned to 2nd. Generation Warfare I

A Personnel System Tuned to 2nd. Generation Warfare II

A Personnel System Tuned to 2nd. Generation Warfare III

Result:  Mismatch Between a 2nd. Generation Army and Future Warfare 

Mismatch Between Current System (II) and Future Warfare

The Answer to the Mismatch Between Current System and Future Warfare

First:  A New Doctrine for Future Warfare Focuses The Personnel System 

Revolutionary Reforms, but Parallel Evolution

The Timeline

Reform DOPMA

Reform DOPMA:  "Up-or-Stay"

A New Organizational Structure

Flatten the Officer Corps

Where to Flatten the Officer Corps

The Force Structure

The New Army Staff

The Corps Group

The Corps Group (Maneuver - Heavy)

The Regimental System

Aligning the Officer System

Build Officer Policies Around a Unit System

Change Accessions

Officer Professional Tracks Highlighting Strengths

Officer Tracks:  Tactical

Officer Tracks:  Operational

Officer Tracks: Technical



Change the All or Nothing Retirement

Final Thoughts

Resistance to Change


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Table of Contents